Under new management via Director Radcliffe, the CIA now all the sudden favor the lab leak theory for C19!
In other words… they were lying the entire time, and now they cannot cover it up anymore.
The “conspiracy theorists” were right…
đźš” Crime & Medical Tyrants đź’¸

Just because they admit a part of the truth, be hesitant to believe they will admit the rest of it.
The best way to fool a lot of skeptical people is to appeal to their pride and tell them they were right about something - then use that pride manipulation to get them to focus on the feeling of "being right" while you convince them that since you're "honest now", the rest was false.
Hold until it's all told - and then understand that they lied to begin with - and discard them after.
Once can be an accident - after that, it's intentional. The root needs uprooted, not regrown.