70 Last night, Trump fired 17 IG's for the Depts of State, Defense, Transportation, Agriculture, Interior, Housing and Urban Development, Education, Labor, Small Business Administration, Energy, Environmental Protection Agency. Know who was not fired? Michael Horowitz, IG, DOJ. We know why! (media.greatawakening.win) posted 1 month ago by catsfive 1 month ago by catsfive +70 / -0 11 comments download share 11 comments share download save hide report block hide replies
I had a little dig a while back on one of the IGs: Robert Storch, and an apparent comm from Scavino on him.
Apparently the IGs offices are used to transmit info as they move from department to department.
He was IG at NSA and currently is IG at the DoD:
And hey he was also inspector for Ukraine aid.
So either this guy has collected a pile of info for the good guys, or has been running a lot of interference for the bad guys.
At any rate, the IGs are a big deal and referenced frequently in the Q posts, so if 17 of them are on the move--but we don't know where/why/how and we only have second hand info from fake news--that is incredibly interesting.