Of course! It is all about alignment. .... The current one in Europe is passe. The EU is a consequence of the WOII order, and the issues surrounding it need to be resolved.
It is overdue to scuttle the TREUHAND (TRUST): BUNDES REPUBLIK DEUTSCHLAND (which name btw is Bundes GrundGesetz wiederig). This has caused all Germans to be of two stations:
Reichsburger (although the Reich is under receivership since June 1945) and with the merger of DDR + BRD it was stipulated everyone would remain a Reichsburger. This puts the whole Reichsburger debate in a different light, yes?)
Employee of the BRD. (in German: Personal(sAusweiss)
The nationality on official documentation: DEUTSCHE is a falsehood!
See also letter from adm. Stavridis, or the June 8th entry in the book: Control Authority part-1 at library of Congress(loc.gov)
For this to happen two things are needed:
an open book at the debts (odious)
a public choice regarding those debts & law of the land (which was promised in writing in 1945 but never has come)
Of course! It is all about alignment. .... The current one in Europe is passe. The EU is a consequence of the WOII order, and the issues surrounding it need to be resolved.
It is overdue to scuttle the TREUHAND (TRUST): BUNDES REPUBLIK DEUTSCHLAND (which name btw is Bundes GrundGesetz wiederig). This has caused all Germans to be of two stations:
The nationality on official documentation: DEUTSCHE is a falsehood!
See also letter from adm. Stavridis, or the June 8th entry in the book: Control Authority part-1 at library of Congress(loc.gov)
For this to happen two things are needed: