He's not sure about 9/11 yet, but suspects 9/11 was a set-up and he went to war in the Mideast based on lies that Bush presented to the American public. He was told when he went into someone's house, it was either them or you. So he acted accordingly.
Veterans must realize they were unforgivably deceived and lied to by psychopaths for their own gain. God will ultimately punish them for eternity. Veterans had good intentions and felt they were doing the right thing on behalf of their country and for the world. They were willing to give the ultimate sacrifice. Anyone with intelligence will realize that what happened. And God knows what is in their heart. GOD SEES THEM.
It's very sad. He's struggling and in pain. It is not his fault in any way. I think this may happen to many veterans. We must help and support them in any way we can.
God brings men to the table of war and He decides if you need to be removed. Men may be used by evil to get there but God decides who lives or dies. Think - the Pharaoh. God hardened his heart and mind against the people of Israel, who for centuries had been his slaves. Pharaoh drives into the gap of the Red Sea thinking he had departed the water. Remember he thought he was a god. The times are similar throughout history. The NWO think they are gods and they can and will rule the world - God has other plans but He will use evil for His own purposes like waking people up to His glory and His desires to bring all people to His table of peace, love and protection for an eternity. He wants everyone to be there with Him. We decide if we want to be there - hence free will.