67 Meet the Democrat CEO of a Non-Profit Organization Sent $300,000,000+ of Our Tax Dollars for ‘Immigration Services'. (gellerreport.com) posted 25 days ago by GGRockz 25 days ago by GGRockz +67 / -0 Meet the Democrat CEO of a Non-Profit Organization Sent $300,000,000+ of Our Tax Dollars for 'Immigration Services' - Geller Rep... The invasion was a massive monetary Democrat criminal racket. 4 comments share 4 comments share save hide report block hide replies
WHY do NGOs get taxpayer money? If I want to donate to a charity, I WILL DO IT. I do not need the government to do it for me!
I agree.
Imagine a world, that was so broken and demonic because the powers that controlled it were evil, that to prosecute them, they were forced to commit crimes, to protect our humanity! Patriots have been in control!
God is watching all.