Crypto Bros in the house?!?
To all the crypto guys that lurk among us. For those of us who are crypto-finance retards, what should we be investing in? WTF is the difference between Bitcoin and all the other shit?!? Help us out! I want to get in on this scam
XRP is your best bet to turn very little into VERY MUCH.
*If you want to be rrrreally ballz (only ballz to ppl who aren’t keeping up with it) and don't have much to invest, drop into AMC, let it moon, wire transfer to crypto brokerage acct and then go all in on XRP.
You could also do this with the better know GME, but it’s 5x the cost. Theres a ton of routes The Plan has laid out to make boatloads of money in the very near future, but the trick here is to make as much as you can BEFORE the new financial system is a forgone conclusion.
Unless you’re a crypto wizard, you’re not, anything other than a very well known/highly touted as being adopted by banks/corporations/countries is a crapshoot.
Stick with the big names and you’ll be fine!