Crypto Bros in the house?!?
To all the crypto guys that lurk among us. For those of us who are crypto-finance retards, what should we be investing in? WTF is the difference between Bitcoin and all the other shit?!? Help us out! I want to get in on this scam
You dont have memory corruption issues as a blockchain. If something like that happens you are
A: trying to hide something
B: are incompetent to make a trustworthy chain. When it concerns the ledger that cannot EVER fail or you have a faulty history.
C: are completely centralized by 1 party.
Could there be some early transactions Ripple wanted to hide? I wouldnt be surprised.
Half the supply doesnt matter just as long as its a finite supply.
What dapps have been developed on XLM?
What makes it low energy usage? Is it proof of stake or something else?
A quick web search shows that the Stellar Foundation has 50% of the supply which is centralized if XLM is proof of stake. If its centralized, that explains the "low energy usage".
What % of the supply do the top 100 wallets hold in XLM? Thats an important decentralization metric to look at as well.
If XLM was to be used as a currency around the world, whats its plan to scale? Currently it can do a few thousand tps, whats its plan to do millions of tps?
I remember XLM was very popular with Redditors. Reddit set it up to where you could award people in XLM in the last bull run but i hardly ever hear about it on their crypto forum anymore.