Crypto Bros in the house?!?
To all the crypto guys that lurk among us. For those of us who are crypto-finance retards, what should we be investing in? WTF is the difference between Bitcoin and all the other shit?!? Help us out! I want to get in on this scam
Yeah,, something like that. Orrrrr, it’s been secretly delved out on private markets so that the countries/banks/corporations that need it for the new financial would already have before we’re officially told what’s happening.
Any way you cut it this would have to happen. It would be an incredibly dumbass idea to announce to the world that there’s going to be a new financial system that utilizes crypto and everyone, including countries/banks/corporations, all buy it at the same time. That could end up costing the institutions and countries that would have to have incredible sums of money and there would be no guarantee they would be able to get what they need.
Just more evidence that the good guys have been in charge for over a decade.