Crypto Bros in the house?!?
To all the crypto guys that lurk among us. For those of us who are crypto-finance retards, what should we be investing in? WTF is the difference between Bitcoin and all the other shit?!? Help us out! I want to get in on this scam
I read somewhere a good while ago that if Quantum Computing ever became a reality that it would be able to crack any cryptographic scheme in existence in seconds/minutes.
Well here is 2025 it appears QC is near reality, if not already in existence, and if this is true, then it would appear to me that any Bitcoin wallet would be vulnerable to hacking.
Do you know anything about this topic?
I have heard the theory and believe it's a possibility but I think even David Schwartz, the guy I cited, didn't think it was an imminent threat. I would think so but I'm also no expert.