Crypto Bros in the house?!?
To all the crypto guys that lurk among us. For those of us who are crypto-finance retards, what should we be investing in? WTF is the difference between Bitcoin and all the other shit?!? Help us out! I want to get in on this scam
You have some good points, I guess Monero is the only major crypto attempting to do anonymous payments. But if you keep cash, we will forever have to live with corrupt central banks because someone has to be in charge of issuing it, and in the modern world, most payments are online anyway so it may as well be done in crypto instead of digital cash.
Personally, I am willing to sacrifice anonymity if it stops endless inflation so we can all be more prosperous. We can have fiat that barely fits any of the criteria for money, or we can have crypto that fits all of it except privacy.
But there are some solutions like decentralized bitcoin mixers that work very well. And even if you pay in cash in the supermarket, they still have you on video and can see what you bought.