I believe Elon was saying 90 percent of government employees are not showing up at offices weekly now. Is it possible, that many of these employees do not even exist, and their paycheck is all just going to enrich a handful of insiders?
Thus, demanding that everyone shows up to work would be a means of calling them out on their fraud.
Employers pay a hefty NV State Unemployment Insurance. The state has had very low unemployment over decades since creating the fund and should have had a massive reserve. However, when the 2008 crisis hit, the state immediately went to the feds for loans to cover unemployment claims. Employers were subsequently hit with additional tax and new restrictions were applied for eligibility. What happened to the money? Wash, rinse, repeat...
I'm sure that your leaders felt they had better use for your hard work / money. That's now the harry reid's retirement fund for leftists.
The story about renaming the airport and Stephen Cloob3ck's involvement is quite interesting. Also, his home has a huge monarch butterfly.
Thanks! Another rabbit hole to check out.
The honey pot dig about the Only Fans girl who took him for no small change and then sued him is hysterical. He hangs with some pretty nefarious characters and has an ego to fill a stadium, so he's weak. It's his ghey brother, a lawyer, that is difficult to track. Their non-profit has the whiff of something very strange.