38 Tom Cotton As New Head of Senate Select Committee on Intelligence Is Frank Church’s Worst Nightmare (covertactionmagazine.com) Let's GOOOOOOooo posted 1 month ago by ashlanddog 1 month ago by ashlanddog +38 / -0 Tom Cotton As New Head of Senate Select Committee on Intelligence Is Frank Church’s Worst Nightmare - CovertAction Magazine The arch neo-conservative wants the CIA to become “bolder and more innovative in covert action” The U.S. Senate Select Committee on Intelligence was established in the late 1970s as a watchdog designed to ensure greater transparency for CIA operations in t... 13 comments share 13 comments share save hide report block hide replies
This is an eye opening article. I had no idea the Cotton was that dirty. I’m hoping he goes out with the rest of the garbage, aka the CIA.
" I had no idea the Cotton was that dirty. I’m hoping he goes out with the rest of the garbage, aka the CIA."
I just made a reply to the OP you might be interested in.