She is, and should be, a Dem/Commie. She doesn't vote with MAGA or any Republican legislation-ever. She is disgusting and should be ashamed of herself, but she isn't.
She was never elected in the first place based on personal merit or accomplishment.
She is a political hack.
Alaska needs to vet their voting systems. She should logically NOT be reelected time after time. Didn't AK voters see her trembling against the wall by Di Fi?? They cannot desire their Senator to be controlled by the dem machine . . .
The main reason people elect these old pols (other than name recognition) is that the more terms they serve, the more perks they get; committee assignments, bringing home the bacon to their states, etc.
Hey President of the Senate: assign her to the who cleans the toilets in the Capitol committee.
Controlled by the dems. She's one of the biggest pieces of shit there is.
Ranked Choice voting brought this on...
Why do people keep putting a S in front of he?
The only Rino's in Alaska should be in zoo's.
I am for the most part against zoo's, but this rino cunt needs to be caged permanently.
She is, and should be, a Dem/Commie. She doesn't vote with MAGA or any Republican legislation-ever. She is disgusting and should be ashamed of herself, but she isn't.
She was never elected in the first place based on personal merit or accomplishment.
She is a political hack.
Alaska needs to vet their voting systems. She should logically NOT be reelected time after time. Didn't AK voters see her trembling against the wall by Di Fi?? They cannot desire their Senator to be controlled by the dem machine . . .
The main reason people elect these old pols (other than name recognition) is that the more terms they serve, the more perks they get; committee assignments, bringing home the bacon to their states, etc.
Hey President of the Senate: assign her to the who cleans the toilets in the Capitol committee.
Make an example of this dried up old RINO+ prune--Lock Her Up!!
What a cunt.