8+9=17 of the cabal is likely being hi-jacked by whitehats. The useful idiots at "The Bulletin of Atomic Scientists" probably don't even know they are beclowning themselves. Biblical 17 appears to be composed of "10" representing God (Biblical alpha & omega) and "7" representing a Godly human working together in close alliance in humanity's interest.
This is my theory on "17" is that there are two versions, one evil (8+9) and one good (10+7), and who controls the one that gets deployed determines the fate of humanity. Reference 1489 takeover of Vatican by "New World Order" and 1989 kickoff of NWO 100 year plan to destroy American Republic under Bush Sr (after apparent completion of 100 plan to destroy Russia, kicked off 1889 with fake pandemic).
8+9=17 of the cabal is likely being hi-jacked by whitehats. The useful idiots at "The Bulletin of Atomic Scientists" probably don't even know they are beclowning themselves. Biblical 17 appears to be composed of "10" representing God (Biblical alpha & omega) and "7" representing a Godly human working together in close alliance in humanity's interest.
29JAN2025; "Doomsday Clock is now 89 seconds to midnight, the closest yet to catastrophe": https://www.livescience.com/planet-earth/doomsday-clock-is-now-89-seconds-to-midnight-the-closest-yet-to-catastrophe
This is my theory on "17" is that there are two versions, one evil (8+9) and one good (10+7), and who controls the one that gets deployed determines the fate of humanity. Reference 1489 takeover of Vatican by "New World Order" and 1989 kickoff of NWO 100 year plan to destroy American Republic under Bush Sr (after apparent completion of 100 plan to destroy Russia, kicked off 1889 with fake pandemic).