Looks like The bill to abolish the income tax in the US has been introduced!...
"H.R.25 - To promote freedom, fairness, and economic opportunity by repealing the income tax and other taxes, abolishing the Internal Revenue Service, and enacting a national sales tax to be administered primarily..."
Let's GOOOOOOooo
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How much you wanna bet that we're going to be having these exact same conversations a year from now? With the same people?
I remember during Trump's first term in office that people would get super excited whenever some bill they liked got introduced in the House. Elimination of federal income tax being one of them. Apparently people think that the President can just sign any bill he likes into law and just cutting out the middlemen that are Congress. 🤷♀️
I dunno. It actually makes me sad because I know they're going to be extremely upset when the bill is killed. Like they really thought this time would be different.
Just like Lucy and Charlie Brown and that damn football.
But, this time I really am gonna kick that ball....
these people are counted on to not know what they are talking about. you already know this.