Looks like The bill to abolish the income tax in the US has been introduced!...
"H.R.25 - To promote freedom, fairness, and economic opportunity by repealing the income tax and other taxes, abolishing the Internal Revenue Service, and enacting a national sales tax to be administered primarily..."
Let's GOOOOOOooo
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A nice step, though the bill wants to replace federal income tax with a national sales tax.
That's certainly more equitable, but still doesn't prevent the Federal Government from growing out of control. I would greatly prefer President Trump's plan of returning to a tariff-funded Federal Government.
This would definitely force any illegals to pay their fair share though.. You can't skip paying taxes as an illegal if you get paid cash, when the tax is on what you buy, not how the money comes in..
That holds true if you buy at a store and not a black market through theft