Looks like The bill to abolish the income tax in the US has been introduced!...
"H.R.25 - To promote freedom, fairness, and economic opportunity by repealing the income tax and other taxes, abolishing the Internal Revenue Service, and enacting a national sales tax to be administered primarily..."
Let's GOOOOOOooo
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The federal income tax has existed since 1913. How was the federal government funded before - excise taxes, import duties/tariffs, whiskey taxes, etc.. clearly, SHRINKING size of the federal government is a big necessary step as is being done in real time. And YES necessities ie food, housing etc s/b exempted as states do today.NOT value-added tax, but taxed at end-use. The beef steak gets taxed at the restaurant, not on the ranch, not in the grocery store...How much money is in the cash underground economy - drug dealers, thieves, etc..? do they buy cars? boats?