Just like the Drug Cartels, paying off judges, politicians, police - and keeping your gangs flush with cash (to justify the risk) means that it's all a house of cards.
Starve them for money - and the wheels are coming off that wagon.
Then, the Mexican Civil War - for decades people have been kept in fear, forced to support corrupt politicians. When the wheels come off; there are going to be millions of very pissed off Mexicans, no unafraid to let their voices heard.
it's going to be messy, brutal and extremely violent.
Corruption is very expensive to maintain.
Just like the Drug Cartels, paying off judges, politicians, police - and keeping your gangs flush with cash (to justify the risk) means that it's all a house of cards.
Starve them for money - and the wheels are coming off that wagon.
Then, the Mexican Civil War - for decades people have been kept in fear, forced to support corrupt politicians. When the wheels come off; there are going to be millions of very pissed off Mexicans, no unafraid to let their voices heard.
it's going to be messy, brutal and extremely violent.