109 Milley disgraced, next cab off the rank has to be Vindman, he has no pardon to hide behind and his ego is such that any action will cause him to melt down. What will he cop? I think court martial and GITMO! (media.greatawakening.win) posted 21 days ago by Hildberht2 21 days ago by Hildberht2 +109 / -0 7 comments download share 7 comments share download save hide report block hide replies
Someone has to be the example of what happens to traitors.
Vindman can be that example.
That weaselly, weak traitorous faggot.
Doughy, squeaky little fag
He and his weasel twin brother.
I bet he claims diplomatic immunity...
Think he will spill his guts? I think so
He likely already did.