posted ago by purkiss80 ago by purkiss80 +47 / -0

-politicized a flu (COVID) in order to steal the 2020 Election

-suppressed cheap and effective cures in Hydroxychloroquine and Ivermectin

-purposely killed thousands of vulnerable elderly by cramming them into nursing homes

-purposely killed thousands at hospitals with the “death protocol” (Remdesevir and ventilator)

-forced everyone to wear a completely ineffective mask

-killed small businesses

-mandated an experimental vaccine for a virus with a 99.9999% survival rate -forced people out of jobs for not taking the vaccine

These are the same people who are now claiming to have Americans’ best interest at heart.

They are liars.

They are scum.

The fact that they are even still involved in any way in our government is a travesty.

Confirm RFK.

Reject these Democrat criminals.
