My thunk is that there are some undesirable elements that are here illegally, and they would prolly die as soon as they went home. So, they should be in he YMCA.
For example: escaped convicts with a death sentence hanging around 'back home'..
Or Ukrainians who would otherwise be sent straight to the meatgrinders.
My question: why aren't they going home? That means the US is paying for their food lodging etc.
My thunk is that there are some undesirable elements that are here illegally, and they would prolly die as soon as they went home. So, they should be in he YMCA.
For example: escaped convicts with a death sentence hanging around 'back home'..
Or Ukrainians who would otherwise be sent straight to the meatgrinders.
Maybe Trump will put 1500 illegal aliens and a sack of poop in Gitmo and the rest of the capacity will be filled with treasonous indictees.
I mean, they basically did that to us.