MJTruthUltra X: Lymes disease is a bioweapon #1 The Poor Man’s Nuke — “We can kill 10,000 people at $1.43 per Life” Weaponized Ticks, Fleas, and Mosquitos — a Conversation with a CIA Black Ops Agent who Droped Ticks on Enemies in Operation Mongoose
• it wasn’t just Lyme disease that was making people sick… it was also Rickettsia, a bacteria found in ticks, lice, fleas, mites, chiggers, and mammals
• Rickettsia was a germ that was weaponized by the US Military
— they’d stuff fleas with the plague
— they’d stuff Mosquitos with the Trinidad Virus
— they’d stuff ticks with deadly or incapacitating diseases like replapsing fever, rabbies etc
“The intent is, this is the perfect stealth weapon… it’s a Poor Man’s Nuke.
You drop these insects on an enemy, It weakens the population. It ties up the medical resources, but doesn’t destroy infrastructure like a nuclear bomb would.
Full text
MJTruthUltra X: Lymes disease is a bioweapon #1 The Poor Man’s Nuke — “We can kill 10,000 people at $1.43 per Life” Weaponized Ticks, Fleas, and Mosquitos — a Conversation with a CIA Black Ops Agent who Droped Ticks on Enemies in Operation Mongoose
• it wasn’t just Lyme disease that was making people sick… it was also Rickettsia, a bacteria found in ticks, lice, fleas, mites, chiggers, and mammals
• Rickettsia was a germ that was weaponized by the US Military
— they’d stuff fleas with the plague
— they’d stuff Mosquitos with the Trinidad Virus
— they’d stuff ticks with deadly or incapacitating diseases like replapsing fever, rabbies etc
“The intent is, this is the perfect stealth weapon… it’s a Poor Man’s Nuke.
You drop these insects on an enemy, It weakens the population. It ties up the medical resources, but doesn’t destroy infrastructure like a nuclear bomb would.