very tragic and sad, and some or many of them probably could have gotten help from some of the remedies shared here on GAW if there wasn’t Big Pharma control
This seems similar to the "died from covid/died with covid" situation. Very misleading report and post. In the study it mentions NB as a province that keeps good records on this issue. From over 500 people who died on waiting lists, 50 maybe, possibly, might have been saved by surgery and only 19 actually waited longer than recommended for their particular illness. I would expect these numbers would be consistent across the country. Exceptions may occur in places like Nunavut where medical facilities are limited and medivac flights have to be arranged as well as accommodations etc. in the city where treatment is being received.
While our system certainly has issues, it is not because it is a state run system, currently it is overwhelmed by a massive immigration influx with little medical infrastructure improvements. You can be sure these migrants are happy to take advantage of our system.
Also, I don't think it's a big shocker that sick people die while they wait for treatment. I'm sure this happens in the US as well, no?
It always makes me chuckle when Americans bash our "government run system". Your system is rum by the drug and insurance companies. Y'all pay nearly as much taxes as us and you have to pay crazy insurance premiums on top of it and insurance doesn't even cover everything. How many people die because they can't afford insurance? How many die because they can't afford treatment? How many lose everything they've worked for to cover medical bills? The US is among the unhealthiest nations on the planet, the most drugged up and poorest health system outcomes in the developed world.
thanks for pointing this out, I can delete, I am in agreement that the U.S. health care is messed up, I believe going back to the mid to late 1960s. RFK Jr. is the plan for addressing only part of USA’s health system problems, a system which as you point out is under control of big pharma.
Any mods like to recommend a delete, or save this as a lesson to be careful of bad use of statistics and debat3 over health care systems?
Anyone who tries to make a change is vilified or taken out. I'm hoping RFK can finally make a difference.
To add some context to our system: my dad needed new knees, couldn't do both at once because he still needed to work but chose to have one replaced. Two weeks from consult to surgery then the doc kept calling him asking when he was coming to get the other one done. Both knees are now replaced.
My mom was diagnosed with ovarian cancer a few years back and was put on list for surgery which she got within a few weeks. I couldn't convince her to do fenben. Her treatment is ongoing and she feels it is excellent. Around us there are endless stories like this, not of people waiting. My doctor has been pestering me to make an appointment because I haven't been to see her in five years. I told them up front I was not keen on drugs and would not vax my kids and they were fine with that. I've never had an issue with any service I have received and know of no one who has. But as I said, there are definitely issues. If you need an ear nose and throat doctor, you are going to wait a while.
No thanks
definitely agreed, no thanks!
And the article says ANOTHER 15,000 people chose MAiD (both in despair of getting treatment, and for other reasons).
very tragic and sad, and some or many of them probably could have gotten help from some of the remedies shared here on GAW if there wasn’t Big Pharma control
This seems similar to the "died from covid/died with covid" situation. Very misleading report and post. In the study it mentions NB as a province that keeps good records on this issue. From over 500 people who died on waiting lists, 50 maybe, possibly, might have been saved by surgery and only 19 actually waited longer than recommended for their particular illness. I would expect these numbers would be consistent across the country. Exceptions may occur in places like Nunavut where medical facilities are limited and medivac flights have to be arranged as well as accommodations etc. in the city where treatment is being received. While our system certainly has issues, it is not because it is a state run system, currently it is overwhelmed by a massive immigration influx with little medical infrastructure improvements. You can be sure these migrants are happy to take advantage of our system.
Also, I don't think it's a big shocker that sick people die while they wait for treatment. I'm sure this happens in the US as well, no? It always makes me chuckle when Americans bash our "government run system". Your system is rum by the drug and insurance companies. Y'all pay nearly as much taxes as us and you have to pay crazy insurance premiums on top of it and insurance doesn't even cover everything. How many people die because they can't afford insurance? How many die because they can't afford treatment? How many lose everything they've worked for to cover medical bills? The US is among the unhealthiest nations on the planet, the most drugged up and poorest health system outcomes in the developed world.
thanks for pointing this out, I can delete, I am in agreement that the U.S. health care is messed up, I believe going back to the mid to late 1960s. RFK Jr. is the plan for addressing only part of USA’s health system problems, a system which as you point out is under control of big pharma.
Any mods like to recommend a delete, or save this as a lesson to be careful of bad use of statistics and debat3 over health care systems?
Anyone who tries to make a change is vilified or taken out. I'm hoping RFK can finally make a difference.
To add some context to our system: my dad needed new knees, couldn't do both at once because he still needed to work but chose to have one replaced. Two weeks from consult to surgery then the doc kept calling him asking when he was coming to get the other one done. Both knees are now replaced. My mom was diagnosed with ovarian cancer a few years back and was put on list for surgery which she got within a few weeks. I couldn't convince her to do fenben. Her treatment is ongoing and she feels it is excellent. Around us there are endless stories like this, not of people waiting. My doctor has been pestering me to make an appointment because I haven't been to see her in five years. I told them up front I was not keen on drugs and would not vax my kids and they were fine with that. I've never had an issue with any service I have received and know of no one who has. But as I said, there are definitely issues. If you need an ear nose and throat doctor, you are going to wait a while.
Yes, an easy way to depopulate!!!!
link to study