Doomsday plane is a slang word only. The Grumman E2 has been around since the 50’s. Used as command and control by the military mostly around disasters now. Most likely being used at this time for C and C of the rescue efforts. I think the current Doomsday type version is an E4 on the Boeing 700 platform.
Doomsday plane is a slang word only. The Grumman E2 has been around since the 50’s. Used as command and control by the military mostly around disasters now. Most likely being used at this time for C and C of the rescue efforts. I think the current Doomsday type version is an E4 on the Boeing 700 platform.
They said the plane was headed to Runway 33
blinded by the light?
No fucking way they didn't see this.
Right- if that were true, imagine how many of these accidents would be happening nightly.
May they blinked exactly ----- every time the STROBE LIGHTS flashed.
Duuuude... Triggered monarchs? I was leaning more towards remote control, but yeah you have a raw possibility there.
Follow this flight along with other information to what appears to be a domestic terrorist act.