Heading: “Coordination of Biological Laboratories and Scientific Research Institute of Ukrainewith the USA”
USA section: Democratic Party____H. Biden ____ Investment Fund Rosemont Seneca____ Dr. George Soros * Open Society Foundation ____U.S. State Dept. ____USAID Agency for Intl. Development ____Dept. of Defense ____Defense Threat Reduction Agency (DTRA) ____U.S. Army Medical Research &Development Command (ASAMRDC) ____ Walter Reed Army Instit. of Research (WRAIR)
Private & Corporate Entities (English provided in the diagram)
Scientific Oversight
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC, USA)____NIH
Universities Collaborating—Tennessee, Florida, New Mex., Ariz., Virginia Polytech Instit. (Virg. Tech.)
U.S. Embassy in Ukraine
Ukraine Section____Ministry of Health of Ukr.____Ukrainian Scientific and Technological Center____Center for Public Health of Ukraine____Instit. of Experimental & Clinical Veterinary Medicine (Kyiv)____Ukrainian Research Anti-Plague Instit. I.I. Mechnikov (Odesa)____Lviv Regional State VeterinaryLaboratory (Lviv)
Regional Laboratory Centers of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine
*Lviv, Dnipro, Kyiv, Odesa, Ternopil, Luhansk, Zaporizhia, Kherson, Kharkiv, Vinnytsia, Uzhhorod
Other Entities Involved____Lugar Center Laboratory, Georgia____Ministry of Defense of Ukraine
____Beige or light brown = Pharmaceutical companies
____Purple = NGOs &Nonprofits
____Orange = organizations under Ukr. Ministry of Defense
____Pink = orgs. under Ukr. Ministry of Health
____Green = government research orgs. (Ukr. state-funded biological research involved in veterinary science, disease prevention, & anti-epidemic measures)
____Blue = U.S. govt. organizations (involved in diplomacy, aid, & research coordination, including: U.S. St. Dept., USAID, U.S. embassy in Ukr.)
translation and colors decoding by AI
Heading: “Coordination of Biological Laboratories and Scientific Research Institute of Ukrainewith the USA”
USA section: Democratic Party____H. Biden ____ Investment Fund Rosemont Seneca____ Dr. George Soros * Open Society Foundation ____U.S. State Dept. ____USAID Agency for Intl. Development ____Dept. of Defense ____Defense Threat Reduction Agency (DTRA) ____U.S. Army Medical Research &Development Command (ASAMRDC) ____ Walter Reed Army Instit. of Research (WRAIR)
Private & Corporate Entities (English provided in the diagram)
Scientific Oversight
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC, USA)____NIH
Universities Collaborating—Tennessee, Florida, New Mex., Ariz., Virginia Polytech Instit. (Virg. Tech.)
U.S. Embassy in Ukraine
Ukraine Section____Ministry of Health of Ukr.____Ukrainian Scientific and Technological Center____Center for Public Health of Ukraine____Instit. of Experimental & Clinical Veterinary Medicine (Kyiv)____Ukrainian Research Anti-Plague Instit. I.I. Mechnikov (Odesa)____Lviv Regional State VeterinaryLaboratory (Lviv)
Regional Laboratory Centers of the Ministry of Health of Ukraine *Lviv, Dnipro, Kyiv, Odesa, Ternopil, Luhansk, Zaporizhia, Kherson, Kharkiv, Vinnytsia, Uzhhorod
Other Entities Involved____Lugar Center Laboratory, Georgia____Ministry of Defense of Ukraine
Color Coding in the diagram
____Light purple = Pentagon affiliated organizations
____Beige or light brown = Pharmaceutical companies
____Purple = NGOs &Nonprofits
____Orange = organizations under Ukr. Ministry of Defense
____Pink = orgs. under Ukr. Ministry of Health
____Green = government research orgs. (Ukr. state-funded biological research involved in veterinary science, disease prevention, & anti-epidemic measures)
____Blue = U.S. govt. organizations (involved in diplomacy, aid, & research coordination, including: U.S. St. Dept., USAID, U.S. embassy in Ukr.)
Good stuff. TU for the efforts.
Hey, thanks for the info. You are so great.
welcome, thanks for the important post on what the deep state is doing, and that “Byeden” photo you pointed out!)
Did you see the CIA video? Did I send that to you?
I didn’t see it before, thanks, Dane Wig., I’ll review it, definitely looks important!