👉🏻 Link to yesterday’s post.
Holy Father, I will not complain about today as having such a tight schedule proves that I am being useful both domestically and professionally. Sometime I feel tired and exhausted by all of this but then it’s never for long as You remind of how well I am doing not to be a burden. Even if I indulge once a day on performing music, You know how to get me to actually focus on my priorities and adequately reschedule what can be. I pray these hectic times actually may be the prelude for a prosperous harvest to come. I pray people live in harmony without mixing to much so the Grandeur of every civilization’s pas accomplishments still inspire their people to achieve more beautifully.
👉🏻 Today we celebrate Martina of Rome.
Martina of Rome, a patron saint of Rome, was martyred in 226, according to some authorities, more probably in 228, under the pontificate of Pope Urban I, according to others. The daughter of an ex-consul and orphaned at an early age, she was described as a noble and beautiful virgin. She so openly testified to her Christian faith that she could not escape the persecutions under Severus Alexander. Arrested and commanded to return to idolatry, she refused, whereupon she was subjected to various tortures and was finally beheaded. These tortures according to her vita include being scourged. She was condemned to be devoured by wild beasts in the amphitheater but was miraculously untouched by them. She was then thrown onto a burning pyre, from which she also escaped unhurt, and was finally beheaded. Her hagiography asserts that some of her executioners also converted to Christianity and were themselves beheaded.
Today’s Deltas
👉🏻 https://qalerts.app/?q=Jan+30
From https://findthefactors.com/2020/11/13/1550-climbing-down-a-ladder/
- 1550 = 2 × 5² × 31
- 1550 is the hypotenuse of TWO Pythagorean triples: 434-1488-1550, and 930-1240-1550
From https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/1000_(number)#1500_to_1599
- number of cards needed to build a 31-tier house
- Ekdapanao: to expend (wholly), i.e. (figuratively) exhaust:--spend.
Matching Bible verse
- 2 Cor 12:15: And I will very gladly spend and be spent for you; though the more abundantly I love you, the less I be loved.
- Genesis 31:50: If you afflict my daughters, or if you take other wives besides my daughters, although no man is with us—see, God is witness between you and me!
- Jeremiah 50:31: “Behold, I am against you, O most haughty one!” says the Lord GOD of hosts; “For your day has come, The time that I will punish you.”
- Numbers 31:50: Therefore we have brought an offering for the LORD, what every man found of ornaments of gold: armlets and bracelets and signet rings and earrings and necklaces, to make atonement for ourselves before the LORD.
Q DROP #1550
👉🏻 https://qalerts.app/?q=%231550
See you tomorrow, Frens!🤓
Definitely a brat.🧐💐
Make him scrub the floor to your specs...with his tears if need be. Might change an attitude?
Those lessons stick the best i think....