I'd heard different takes on the anti-collision technology - one said there was no equipment of that sort on board (unlikely as you imply) and another saying it was designed to be inoperable below a certain altitude (which makes NO sense whatsoever to me).
Between the tower not having them at different altitudes and the helicopter pilot -plus two other sets of military eyes - not adjusting for the plainly visible, properly-lighted commercial plane - this is feeling like something other than an accident.
I just watched Trump's press conference, worth a listen, approximately thirty-five minutes of him speaking and taking questions. Starts at 56:30 --
I'd heard different takes on the anti-collision technology - one said there was no equipment of that sort on board (unlikely as you imply) and another saying it was designed to be inoperable below a certain altitude (which makes NO sense whatsoever to me).
Between the tower not having them at different altitudes and the helicopter pilot -plus two other sets of military eyes - not adjusting for the plainly visible, properly-lighted commercial plane - this is feeling like something other than an accident.
I just watched Trump's press conference, worth a listen, approximately thirty-five minutes of him speaking and taking questions. Starts at 56:30 --