Wasserman Schultz: Trump Hasn't Brought Down Prices from 'Strongest Economy' in the World Biden Gave Him
On Wednesday's broadcast of Bloomberg's "Balance of Power," Rep. Debbie Wasserman Schultz (D-FL) stated that President Donald Trump hasn't brought down | Clips
They just out and out lie with no consequences.
Man I really despise that woman.
Updooted for the PERFECT TITLE!
She's back in the news to hopefully preclude her takedown.
oh, please, someone find some real dirt on her and get her taken out politically or jailed...
did she ever get her laptop back? Did we ever find out what was on it? https://www.foxnews.com/politics/wasserman-schultz-to-allow-laptop-scan-after-months-of-stonewalling-in-it-probe