If you've ever been subjected to NPR for a few hours you probably recognize the coordinating foundation for the new 501c3:
"All proceeds from FireAid will benefit those affected by the fires. A 501(c)(3) was set up, and contributions to FireAid will be distributed under the Annenberg Foundation, which with FireAid has assembled a small committee to advise."
They thought you'd follow the stars. They are celebrating of the burning. Witches love fire.
The criminals come back to taunt their victims. 👺
Lady GaGa and Dame Helen Mirren giving Satanic hand signals to each other. https://i.ytimg.com/vi/PBsjGrQ6wak/hq2.jpg?sqp=-oaymwEoCOADEOgC8quKqQMcGADwAQH4AZQDgALQBYoCDAgAEAEYciA4KDcwDw==&rs=AOn4CLAxGcTjZo4aNkpKQdeHG3QsVQNNAA
Katy Perry: https://youtube.com/shorts/Y2UxM18_Ajk?si=_0CxbWuG8JtQRX6s
Was there any benefit concerts for North Carolina and East TN?
If you've ever been subjected to NPR for a few hours you probably recognize the coordinating foundation for the new 501c3:
"All proceeds from FireAid will benefit those affected by the fires. A 501(c)(3) was set up, and contributions to FireAid will be distributed under the Annenberg Foundation, which with FireAid has assembled a small committee to advise."
They have been promoting this non-stop on the iHeart radio channels
The list of performers is a who's who of i can't stand you
I believe this is the official YT link:
🔥 aide. They’re gonna need some aid where they’re in. Hell there will be lots of fire there.
was there a lazer light show? there should have been a lazer light show....