The Internet has stunted people's attention spans to such a degree that the NBA is thinking of bringing their games down from 48 minutes to 40 minutes. As I've said before, Professional sport's Teams should be owned by the City and it's people. For every year you've lived in the City, you get one share. Start a new Professional Sports League. The Internet is wide open to help you exploit the Coverage.
Time for the NFL to step up? How many older, obese women of color do you have? Are you ray-sis or phat-phobic?
The Internet has stunted people's attention spans to such a degree that the NBA is thinking of bringing their games down from 48 minutes to 40 minutes. As I've said before, Professional sport's Teams should be owned by the City and it's people. For every year you've lived in the City, you get one share. Start a new Professional Sports League. The Internet is wide open to help you exploit the Coverage.
Yep. The number of unemployed dwarfs is staggering in calirado…they’re on every street corner pushing out the Venezuelans from washing…hubcaps…
Sportsball today is the bread and circuses from ancient Rome
These are what I imagine used to be the basic dismissal filters when applying for an airport controller.
Marxists invert everything.
Total regret hiring that blind roofer, may he rest in peace. Just wanted to give him his first job!
Dwarfism? Now we know how Fauci got his job. Also Nadler.