That's worth considering because there were three aboard the helicopter. Would they all want to die for some reason? On the other hand why were they hanging around in a glide path to a runway?
no, I think from the angle, the pilot of the plane could not see the helo was about to collide. remember, alot of traffic in busy areas goes about on trust.
yep. must be really hard to see what's not in front of you in that big plane. The pilot needs to be watching the runway at this low of altitude. Not out the side windows. the reason for radar traffic control
Does it matter if they were above the celling set for them? Like in TopGun they have a 'HARD DECK' AKA don't hit the mountains. They were 150 feet above their hard limit ceiling for the flight.
Could the pilot of the plane not see that they needed to change their path to avoid a collision?
I think Blackhawk controls were taken over...
That's worth considering because there were three aboard the helicopter. Would they all want to die for some reason? On the other hand why were they hanging around in a glide path to a runway?
no, I think from the angle, the pilot of the plane could not see the helo was about to collide. remember, alot of traffic in busy areas goes about on trust.
yep. must be really hard to see what's not in front of you in that big plane. The pilot needs to be watching the runway at this low of altitude. Not out the side windows. the reason for radar traffic control
Does it matter if they were above the celling set for them? Like in TopGun they have a 'HARD DECK' AKA don't hit the mountains. They were 150 feet above their hard limit ceiling for the flight.