I have family members that were vaxxed. Some up to 5 times (they didn't listen). Now they all have/had kidney stones. Stepdaughter has gallstones and having gall bladder removed. I've heard from other people that they know people with the same issues. I searched forum and found a lot about kidney failure but not stones. Concerning. Related possibly? Anyone else noticed the rise?
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Fwiw gall disease seems to be more prevalent in females and is a common family trait, so I'm told. Personal experience: myself(female), both my sisters, and all 4 of my daughters had gallbladder removed before age 27. And our diets are everything imaginable. Some high fat, some low fat, there's one pescaterian and one gluten free among us.
They have all been females. Don't know about all their diets though.
Any idea how frequently they ate? There's some argument to be made that intermittent fasting and one-meal-a-day can aggravate the condition in people prone to it if that eating pattern is followed long term. Those with a family disposition who eat frequent meals with at least 10g of fat each time have a very low incidence compared to those who eat just once or twice a day possibly because the gall bladder is being emptied so frequently. Could also be a gut biome connection as we're finding out more and more about how important are symbiotic bacteria are and the signals that our body receives from them that can affect other organs.
I know one is has issues with gluten. Very strict diet for her. IBS also. I’ve wondering about maybe parasites. She eats throughout the day, I know that. I eat twice a day usually.