The F-35 was in a flat spin stall; the Lear appeared to be straight nose down configuration which would be much faster if not stalling. Think of just pointing nose down and full throttle. Most airplanes have a built-in design to enter a stall if you take your hands off the stick, rather than just nose down, which causes a spin. This Lear just nosed over and went almost straight down.
The F-35 was in a flat spin stall; the Lear appeared to be straight nose down configuration which would be much faster if not stalling. Think of just pointing nose down and full throttle. Most airplanes have a built-in design to enter a stall if you take your hands off the stick, rather than just nose down, which causes a spin. This Lear just nosed over and went almost straight down.
Ummm the jet in philly had flames come out the rear on the way down?