Wtf , I almost wish I didn’t need to fly . Thank God for Jesus ! I hate to say this , but San Diego is itching bad , that's all I’ll say and thank You Jesus for protecting the skies!
This is insane. People who don't have discipline should not be in places where discipline is required to follow rules that have been proven to keep people alive. If anyone is found there doing that they should rot in a prison cell for a time to contemplate why putting lives at risk is wrong.
That is no lie. I used to have to travel to the west coast a couple of times a year on business. Now I never have to board an airliner again, and I never have to go to california again. Win-win.
Wtf , I almost wish I didn’t need to fly . Thank God for Jesus ! I hate to say this , but San Diego is itching bad , that's all I’ll say and thank You Jesus for protecting the skies!
This is insane. People who don't have discipline should not be in places where discipline is required to follow rules that have been proven to keep people alive. If anyone is found there doing that they should rot in a prison cell for a time to contemplate why putting lives at risk is wrong.
This is a very old video of a Cessna flying through Las Vegas’ airspace. Single pilot. Nothing to do with the Video attached.
Original video here:
Retirement is so peaceful!
I feel bad for all involved.
Couldnt agree more. It's been great to not have to hop on the greyhound with wings weekly.
That is no lie. I used to have to travel to the west coast a couple of times a year on business. Now I never have to board an airliner again, and I never have to go to california again. Win-win.
This is what the society-corroding push for “Everyone gets a gold star and a trophy so no one’s feelings get hurt” ultimately leads to.
OMG, air traffic control and pilots.... Abbott & Costello - Who's on First.
can't they just get along and get the job done secretly? please!
Many military pilots have huge egos, in my experience. Think their wings make them superior to other human beings.
Maybe the Bravado helps keep them alive . . .
Sheez...and I have to fly in a couple of weeks.
I have never flown and I will never fly.