This is why so many young men of marriageable age go to places like Eastern Europe and the Orient to find traditional wives. An entire generation (or two?) of American women have been ruined by the media, social media, and their own unreasonable expectations.
Sorry to say: ...traditional wives, who when brought back, most often go the way of the OP's graphical path. It's too enticing to them. 'All the women I meet here are like this...' Try staying a traditional wife in this society. I know it exists, but it rare.
This is why so many young men of marriageable age go to places like Eastern Europe and the Orient to find traditional wives. An entire generation (or two?) of American women have been ruined by the media, social media, and their own unreasonable expectations.
Sorry to say: ...traditional wives, who when brought back, most often go the way of the OP's graphical path. It's too enticing to them. 'All the women I meet here are like this...' Try staying a traditional wife in this society. I know it exists, but it rare.
That’s why these days more and more white mean are moving to Asian marrying a conservative girl there and settle down there!
That's why a man needs to ex-patriate.