You've hit the nail on the head fren. Marxism is the root synapse of the socially engineered NPC mind.
You must create an oppressor & victim definition of society. Whether it is cast out upon other subclasses or focused inwardly at one's self.
In otherwords, these people have been largely brainwashed into pinko lemmings and they have not the spiritual fortitude to understand their ego has been crafted and controlled. Truly zombie-like, craving only more of what has animated them in the first place.
You've hit the nail on the head fren. Marxism is the root synapse of the socially engineered NPC mind.
You must create an oppressor & victim definition of society. Whether it is cast out upon other subclasses or focused inwardly at one's self.
In otherwords, these people have been largely brainwashed into pinko lemmings and they have not the spiritual fortitude to understand their ego has been crafted and controlled. Truly zombie-like, craving only more of what has animated them in the first place.