Absolutely. It's not the only front though. In time we will learn about entertainment media and other corporations recieving the same funding and molding the same zombies. E.g. Netflix, Hasbro, Bethesda, Bioware, etc.
This is how they brainwash those that do not use social media. Inject their favorite media IP consumption chalk-full of both blatant and subliminal suggestion.
i knew it. preddit is clearly where they do this.
Absolutely. It's not the only front though. In time we will learn about entertainment media and other corporations recieving the same funding and molding the same zombies. E.g. Netflix, Hasbro, Bethesda, Bioware, etc.
This is how they brainwash those that do not use social media. Inject their favorite media IP consumption chalk-full of both blatant and subliminal suggestion.
oh for sure, i should have been clear that's just one place of many!