I wonder if there is a law somewhere that allowes the US Attorney General, Pam Bondi, to do something with these Soros judges. Could she recall them somehow, or put them out to pasture for a period of time? Sure, they have a lifetime appointment and they can only be removed by Congress, but instead of removal how about something else? Or how about a transfer? https://search.brave.com/search?q=can+federal+judges+be+transferred%3F&source=web&summary=1&conversation=a5e2497b7f7d3a6390a25d The Supreme Court has the authority to move a Judge to another district. So, why not move them to a small district in Hawii or Alaska? Yep, all the Soros judge's get to sit together in the same district in BFE Alaska. What say ya'll?
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Whoa hold on there, Alaska overwhelmingly voted Trump why would you punish us,with this garbage. Look we're sorry for Murkuckski and we are working on it but dont do us like that. Yeesh. :-)
For all I care these corrupt judges could all be sent to the most remote town in Alaska and they then can cool their heels waiting on some court cases to come their way. I hope they like living in an igloo. Or we can send them to Wyoming.