Our board is an elite research board, and Anons have dug up the most obscure, yet brilliant information time and again. We have read about the Khazarians, the WEF/CFR/Trilateral Commission, we know what Mystery Babylon is, and why there is a depopulation agenda, we know exactly where the Zionists, the Jesuits, the Catholic Church, etc fit into this puzzle far better than any one else.
We know how the Knights Templars made their wealth and how they became Freemasons when they were destroyed when they got too cocky.
We know the origins of the Covid virus, from NC to Wuhan to Ukraine, the military games, the repo crisis that allowed Fed to print trillions 3 months before the Plandemic started.
We know about AIPAC/ADL and its connection to JFK assassination. We know who created ISIS and we know exactly where Obama's parents fit in as well.
That brings us to US AID. There were two Q drops that mentioned this entity. We had dug up that Obama's mum worked for US AID and was a conduit for CIA money to stir up trouble in Asian countries.
But while we are all giddy and cheering as the USAID is being gutted, I cannot but help feeling unsettled. The connections we are finding now between USAID and positively everything should make me simply happy but instead its a painful reminder of how little we know about everything, even though we have learnt so much in the past 8 years.
Search on USAID and you will see very little was talked about before last week. Practically nothing. Just some connection to Noname and such. And this was practically the nexus of the Cabal operation, and we didn't even know it.
Take a look at the Dunning Kroger Graph. I thought I was at Valley of Despair after 2021 inauguration day and slowly started making my way up the slope of enlightenment, but its a reminder that we are no way near enlightenment. The amount of stuff we dont know about our own world is mind boggling.
It also highlights the fact that the entire Awakening process we have all been through itself is a carefully calibrated operation. All the people we listen to, whether it be X22 report or BioClandestine - they are all operatives in the psyop, ofc this is a benign psyop, but psyop nevertheless.
If USAID was so critical to the Cabal, and if we had had huge digs about all these connections before the 2024 elections, you can bet that they would have been prepared. But the force of attack caught them blindsided and that only happened because none of this information got exposed even by the Anons.
This operation is so precise that none of us can even begin to predict how its going to end. All we know is that the timeline of 8 years of this operation end Oct 2025, in less than 9 months.
Until then, the best thing to do is hang in tight and be prepared for any surprises. Even the enlightenment we think we have had, must be discarded if truth comes out showing it was wrong. If you feel like second guessing Trump or the Q operation, take a brief second to remind yourself how little you know.
Thanks for reading if you made it till here.
They don't let us know the actual plan. That's not the point of the Q posts... (at least from the way I see it)
Future proves past suggests that the purpose of the posts is a to provide proof of the plan after the event happens, without outright exposing the plan.
Metaphor time!: If I tell you that I can predict the lottery, but only tell you the numbers after the results are called, there's nothing to prove that I knew them before. The only way to prove that I knew them is to create a proof before they're called. But if I just say before they are called what the numbers will be then everyone who see's them will pick those numbers, or worse they may call off the lottery to stop anyone using the numbers. I would have to provide the proof in such a way as its only decodable after the lottery results are in.
We aren't the only people with access to these posts, and we don't want the plan to be known before it can be actioned. If we knew, they would know.
The thing to take away from this is that its a good thing USAID is mentioned but no one picked up on it, it means the posts worked in providing the proof without exposing the plan. And lets look forward to what else is still to be revealed!