For myself it is not isolationism, I just have zero desire to socially interact with normies, even ones who profess my faith. I am already an introvert but normies and social formalities are not for me. Kind of like being a fountain pen user, we have a local club here and while we attend some of the events we have zero desire to join and don't even know anyone's names
I would get zero out of it and also I doubt there is a pastor who wants to talk about my exploration of anti Pauline beliefs, Christian mysticism, ensoulment, or the heirarchy of upper domain and lower domain applied to daily life
Especially since I found Q and cannot separate God's plan from the plan. That is where my real disconnect would be
This is the spirit of isolation fren. I encourage you to keep praying on it.
We often look for a church that can serve us. Which to some degree we want. However we SHOULD ask Jesus what he wants. Where we can be used!! To glorify his name. God bless fren. Much love
For myself it is not isolationism, I just have zero desire to socially interact with normies, even ones who profess my faith. I am already an introvert but normies and social formalities are not for me. Kind of like being a fountain pen user, we have a local club here and while we attend some of the events we have zero desire to join and don't even know anyone's names
I would get zero out of it and also I doubt there is a pastor who wants to talk about my exploration of anti Pauline beliefs, Christian mysticism, ensoulment, or the heirarchy of upper domain and lower domain applied to daily life
Especially since I found Q and cannot separate God's plan from the plan. That is where my real disconnect would be
This is the spirit of isolation fren. I encourage you to keep praying on it.
We often look for a church that can serve us. Which to some degree we want. However we SHOULD ask Jesus what he wants. Where we can be used!! To glorify his name. God bless fren. Much love