💰Site For digging on where the government is spending your money💰💰💰
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Back during the "too big to fail" period, I looked at the list of corporations that received bailouts. It was so disgusting because the amounts they receive could have EASILY been raised by those corporations selling off assets, without it being a significant dent to their net worth, but instead of that, all of us taxpayers just gave them hundreds of millions at a time!
You to could be a BIG BALLs...
Biden’s team had a number of Big Balls, but their team only managed to hack women’s sports.
Per Senator Kennedy “it’s Spending Porn”. 16 minutes https://greatawakening.win/p/19AKYS8wbO/everyone-is-talking-about-why-el/c/
Watched it. Very good explanation of what's going on. Worth ones time to listen/watch.
I'm sorry I also posted this a second time. I didn't see the sticky. Grok shared it with me yesterday while I was questioning it about OSHA's budget. I poked around the site for hours last night.
What amazes me is that we have had this website since before Trump's first term. It was never mentioned by Q. But perhaps that was purposeful. Had traffic started to overwhelm it, the cabal would have started to hide their tracks better!
This site for digging should come with a vomit bag!
The site says it has a bug and working on it.
First page has 50 listing. 1-50 of 18,122,438 results
Saved this for reference! Has anyone downloaded this? It is so slow in response. Very hard to get anything to pull up.
Could be overwhelmed...
Thank you kind sir/ma'ma for posting this site.
I just did a quick search using "Climate" as the search term, and date range of Jan 1, 2020 through end of 2024. About $400,000,000 shelled out to dozens of entities.
We need to find who is paying for the "chemtrails."..
I'm sure they won't use the term "chemtrails" in the award document :) (perhaps something like, "Atmospheric modification through high-altitude aerosol deployment" :) )
Or geoengineering may work.
I search spending by state. In April of 2020 Spending jumped to $1.2 Trillion If I am redaing this right Califorina has been given $5.4 trillion. Texas Florida and New York come in with lower totals but still in the Trillions. Departmnent of HHS has gotten $17,667,651,337,283 Trillion. https://www.usaspending.gov/search?hash=a9c5462c638438963e910d4efcd71e76§ion=map
Planned Parenthood NY, PPP Loans
Also DataRepublican.com has 2 great tools on his site.