I am ADHD also and I am the same with compliments. I think we get so used to being in trouble as kids we are immediately suspicious when we aren’t in the let me explain hot seat and your absolutely right about seeing through Bullshit. The little things most people can ignore can be glaringly obvious to use. Yay filterless brain for being an asset and not just something you have to wrestle into submission. I knew it would be an interesting story and you absolutely did not disappoint Thank you.
I am ADHD also and I am the same with compliments. I think we get so used to being in trouble as kids we are immediately suspicious when we aren’t in the let me explain hot seat and your absolutely right about seeing through Bullshit. The little things most people can ignore can be glaringly obvious to use. Yay filterless brain for being an asset and not just something you have to wrestle into submission. I knew it would be an interesting story and you absolutely did not disappoint Thank you.