posted ago by Oblakhan ago by Oblakhan +175 / -1

Do folks really believe the group of young men Elon has assembled are finding all this graft and corruption amounting to trillions of dollars so easily?

I believe these guys are getting credit as the public face, but I think someone behind the scenes, likely a large group, has been amassing and analyzing the data to find this level of corruption, and they've been at it a long time.

This effort is just not like picking apples off a tree in my opinion. That is just the movie being played for Joe Public.

In my old job, I analyzed large volumes of data, and even with the tools we had something of this magnitude would have taken a lot longer. This level of data analysis might be possible with an AI, but it is not the effort of a handful of nerds in my opinion.

We have it all? They had it all long before this begin.