My younger son has had tinnitus for some time. He took an antibiotic not knowing it was ototoxic and his tinnitus is off the charts. He is beyond despondent. I am scared for him.
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Please do let us know. Knowledge is power, after all. Good luck, I hope it helps
Update: After taking ivermectin really consistently for a week during my illness I can confidently say that it had no effect on my tinnitus. My tinnitus is neither worse nor better, nor changed in sound, pitch, or frequency. It's exactly the same.
Of course, taking it only for a week might not be enough to fix such a serious problem, but if ivermectin is supposed to help even a little bit I would have noticed some kind of difference, however small, by now. I'm sorry to say that ivermectin doesn't seem to help with tinnitus, at least for me. Perhaps if I had enough to take it for several months it may help, but I don't have that much ivermectin on hand to do that. Maybe when it becomes available over the counter in the US I can try that.