All this is nice and should definitly be investigated, but in my view we must keep out eye on stopping all forms of human trafficking, organ harvesting, ending the torture that kids are experiencing in real time.
Then go back and get those responsible for all past abuse of kids especially NGO's.
I’m willing to bet some of it has been stopped automatically when they shut down USAID. I’m sure a lot more is going on behind the scenes than what is in the optic view.
Since the kiddy pipe is to feed the Committee of 300 and other of the richest vampires, I don't think they absolutely need USAID money directly. The place USAID money comes into play is by destabilizing countries and causing mass displacement of people where kids are easily either sold, stolen, kidnapped. And causing conflicts where lots of orphans are created.
I'm all for conspiracies, but how much would it cost for the jet alone, to fly food in to the Whitehouse? Not saying they didn't fly hot dogs and possibly pasta into the Whitehouse. There's no denying that fucked up email to John Podesta saying "Ps. Do you think I'll do better playing dominos on cheese than on pasta?" the email subject line was "Cheese". And the one about the handkerchief, the three young kids at a pool party "for your pleasure". And the references to the assassination of Justice Antonin Scalia. What am I missing/forgetting about?
...after all of this time...
...I still find that photograph disgustingly pornographic...
Michael in the background looking on has this jealous look to him.
Mike-chele thinking, "Huh, he USED to do ME like that!"
Fake man, fake wife, fake kids, fake history, fake records, fake birth certificate,,,,,,,,,,= CIA
Better block flights to Kenya…….. so he can’t claim citizenship😀
If he comes out and admits he stole the money, it’s a lot less damning than explaining how it was really spent.
All this is nice and should definitly be investigated, but in my view we must keep out eye on stopping all forms of human trafficking, organ harvesting, ending the torture that kids are experiencing in real time.
Then go back and get those responsible for all past abuse of kids especially NGO's.
Start watching for suicides stories in news.
I’m willing to bet some of it has been stopped automatically when they shut down USAID. I’m sure a lot more is going on behind the scenes than what is in the optic view.
Since the kiddy pipe is to feed the Committee of 300 and other of the richest vampires, I don't think they absolutely need USAID money directly. The place USAID money comes into play is by destabilizing countries and causing mass displacement of people where kids are easily either sold, stolen, kidnapped. And causing conflicts where lots of orphans are created.
I'm all for conspiracies, but how much would it cost for the jet alone, to fly food in to the Whitehouse? Not saying they didn't fly hot dogs and possibly pasta into the Whitehouse. There's no denying that fucked up email to John Podesta saying "Ps. Do you think I'll do better playing dominos on cheese than on pasta?" the email subject line was "Cheese". And the one about the handkerchief, the three young kids at a pool party "for your pleasure". And the references to the assassination of Justice Antonin Scalia. What am I missing/forgetting about?
That realtor should be interviewed about what MAP related item was left behind.
Original email
The people know. String them up and ready the waterboard.
Roughly 26,000 hot dogs?
How many people were at this party?