I write this with a tissue stuffed up my nose and a strong feeling of malaise for like the 15th time since 2020. I KNOW they're somehow poisoning us (via fog or water or food or all of it) but I'm starting to wonder if my immune system is severely effed or if others are getting sick way more often as well? I am not vaxxed and havent even gotten the flu shot since some time in high school. I havent gotten a vax of any kind since HS actually. I used to get a mild cold/flu maybe once a year and got the true on your ass feel like death flu ONCE over the course of 15 years. however since the pandemic I am getting sick fucking constantly and it's pissing me off.
I take ivermectin pretty often - am I making myself immune to it? I just take 12mg when I'm feeling shitty along with all my natural stuff (lots of sunshine, quercetin, glutathione, lysine, zinc, vit c, echinacea, garlic, vits B, mushroom extracts w Lion's mane, cordyceps, etc, oil of oregano, etc...) but I feel like I get sick where I feel pretty damn bad like every couple months and that never happened before 2020.
please tell me I'm not alone?? I'm in L.A., Cali so I'd imagine they're trying to poison us extra but who knows. also wondering if all the vaxtards have created like 9450394583 mutations that are constantly going around? just trying to get a bit of a litmus test on how often other unvaxxed people are getting specifically since 2020. and also any advice, like if I'm overdoing the ivermectin maybe? just really want to hear others' experiences. thanks so much in advance frenz <3
I got a pretty bad case of covid in Dec of 21. I got frequent colds and sinus infections after that until Feb 24, before covid I had always been healthy. I finally hit on a good supplement regime for me and havent been sick in the last year. Daily; vitamin B complex, suglingual B-12, vitamin C blend with querzetin and zinc, vitamin D, Vitamin K. When my grandkids come around with their schoolage germs I take extra C several times a day ( your body expels what it doesnt use).
I wasted a lot of time and money with lots of different things but this regime works for me with the least amount of pills. I also only buy natural with fewest ingredient. My spouse and I do ivermectin only 2x year for parasite protocol. Hit me up if you want brands I use, if you experiment, try for a month and listen to your body if it still needs something or didnt feel a difference. I agree with the suggestion to detox as though you were jabbed, I didnt do that but would have saved me some time I think.
thank you!! i am curious about brands bc I take those things as well (though needto add K) and wondering if I just need better brands perhaps..
I will get them to you when I am home at the end of the week - traveling with a pill box right now. 🇺🇸
thank you so much!!!