Larry Ellison Helped Track COVID Shots—Now Trump Wants Him Controlling AI’s Future
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How does T disentangle himself from this? Does he intend to? Who's being played? ELLISON? TRUMP? ALL OF US?
Mint Press News is where Whitney Webb got her start. Known for revealing inconvienent truth.
The author, Kit Klarenberg has many other articles at the Mint Press News site. This one caught my attention: ‘Conspiracy Theory’ is Now Fact: Greater Israel Has Arrived
Like much of THE UNZ REVIEW, the Ellison article will likely be glossed over here.
Whitney Webb is sure interesting reading/listening lately...this is important stuff...and it certainly gives me pause..blind trust will only take you so far...question...EVERYTHING!
"Like much of THE UNZ REVIEW, the Ellison article will likely be glossed over here."
...sadly true, but one has to keep throwing things against the wall just to see what will stick...
"AI's future" = your life.
'"AI's future" = your life. "
...concise, yet valid observation...
I’ve learned not to 2nd guess the white hats. Enjoy the show.
Every time I hear someone claim that Trump has made a terrible appointment, I simply remember Fauci. Sometimes these people are put in the spotlight for a reason that we don't yet understand. To think, at this point, that President Donald J. Trump is going to make "personnel mistakes" is slightly absurd. Is it good for us to dig into everyone's past? Absolutely. It is reasonable to assume that we know better than the man who is the public face of a decades-long Military Operation that has destroyed hundreds of years of evil and subversion? That's a bit of a stretch....
"That's a bit of a stretch...." assumption is a very shaky foundation to build on...