Good for them. The songs are American black culture, the dancers should be black. I won't make the same woke arguments the left does and didn't feel disenfranchised in the slightest as a white American.
Just a few years ago, all the black athletes and performers were "taking the knee" and spitting on the flag. Now, we have black performers in red, white, and blue with a black Uncle Sam. I don't know exactly what we just watched, but it's an improvement.
Honestly I'm so overly fatigued from it all. Gonna take me a long time to get over their country breaking antics, billions of dollars of burned down cities, blocking highways and doing literally everything against this country and it's people, constantly crying racism, hating white people, and now i gotta sit through a black fucking national anthem?
They can get the fuck out for all i care. In no way have they been American citizens for the last decade.
Just a few years ago, all the black athletes and performers were "taking the knee" and spitting on the flag. Now, we have black performers in red, white, and blue with a black Uncle Sam. I don't know exactly what we just watched, but it's an improvement.
Before he sang the song Kendrick said “it’s a cultural divide imma get it on the floor, this is bigger than the music, yeah they tried to rig the game but you can’t fake influence”
I'm so glad some one else besides me thought/noticed this, too. I stopped watching the Super Bowl years ago because of the satanic crap (the Olympics, too). I'm watching it tonight because of our president being there. I saw only seconds of him saluting during the anthem. If they showed him again, I missed it - must have stepped out of the room. Anyways, I'm hating everything about the Super Bowl :(
I only watched because Trump. I was watching and noticed the red, white, and blue theme and a lack of actual flames. If there was satantic crap in there, it was well hidden and not like the usual, minus her being dressed in red. But I will say I did spot 1 move whoever the lady singing with him was and did. She did the horn move with her hand raised to her head and pointed up. A move that Britney Spears has done so many times.
Noticed while trying to find the horn move that she has something on her left palm, maybe reminders? Patch? Dunno. But the horn move is at the 6:06 mark.
I don’t know? That image right there looks like a blm storyline where black men are being killed in the US. Notice how only the white ones are standing? They are…but mostly by themselves. This is still total garbage.
Agree with most of the comments here, and I wasn’t bothered at all by the halftime show… Thinking though that, although I agree, the truth in those comments aren’t mutually exclusive to the truth in the post, rather the Other Side of the issue…
We know the patriots here aren’t going to raise a fuss about this because We are not the Racists the hypocrites on the left want to paint us out to be … Had it been reversed ?? The Hypocrisy of the Holier than thou Lefties would have caused them to have a total meltdown..
I did happen to notice that at one point all the dancers wearing red raised their hands "nazi salute-style" and nobody in the media pretended thats what it was.
Good for them. The songs are American black culture, the dancers should be black. I won't make the same woke arguments the left does and didn't feel disenfranchised in the slightest as a white American.
They showed up for POTUS. They were inspired.
Research Kendrick’s song that he is being sued for saying Drake is a pedo - it will open your eyes. Best Halftime Show EVER
"The revolution is about to be televised. You picked the right time, but the wrong guy."
Then “this is the start of a revolution “
Just a few years ago, all the black athletes and performers were "taking the knee" and spitting on the flag. Now, we have black performers in red, white, and blue with a black Uncle Sam. I don't know exactly what we just watched, but it's an improvement.
Honestly I'm so overly fatigued from it all. Gonna take me a long time to get over their country breaking antics, billions of dollars of burned down cities, blocking highways and doing literally everything against this country and it's people, constantly crying racism, hating white people, and now i gotta sit through a black fucking national anthem?
They can get the fuck out for all i care. In no way have they been American citizens for the last decade.
Just a few years ago, all the black athletes and performers were "taking the knee" and spitting on the flag. Now, we have black performers in red, white, and blue with a black Uncle Sam. I don't know exactly what we just watched, but it's an improvement.
An all-black halftime show at a game attended by President Trump will silence libbies who want to cry about a "Nazi" Super Bowl.
Before he sang the song Kendrick said “it’s a cultural divide imma get it on the floor, this is bigger than the music, yeah they tried to rig the game but you can’t fake influence”
I'm so glad some one else besides me thought/noticed this, too. I stopped watching the Super Bowl years ago because of the satanic crap (the Olympics, too). I'm watching it tonight because of our president being there. I saw only seconds of him saluting during the anthem. If they showed him again, I missed it - must have stepped out of the room. Anyways, I'm hating everything about the Super Bowl :(
I only watched because Trump. I was watching and noticed the red, white, and blue theme and a lack of actual flames. If there was satantic crap in there, it was well hidden and not like the usual, minus her being dressed in red. But I will say I did spot 1 move whoever the lady singing with him was and did. She did the horn move with her hand raised to her head and pointed up. A move that Britney Spears has done so many times.
Noticed while trying to find the horn move that she has something on her left palm, maybe reminders? Patch? Dunno. But the horn move is at the 6:06 mark.
Bruh.. Of all the visuals you chose this pic?
The dancers had formed our Flag earlier. Come on man...
I don’t know? That image right there looks like a blm storyline where black men are being killed in the US. Notice how only the white ones are standing? They are…but mostly by themselves. This is still total garbage.
Agree with most of the comments here, and I wasn’t bothered at all by the halftime show… Thinking though that, although I agree, the truth in those comments aren’t mutually exclusive to the truth in the post, rather the Other Side of the issue… We know the patriots here aren’t going to raise a fuss about this because We are not the Racists the hypocrites on the left want to paint us out to be … Had it been reversed ?? The Hypocrisy of the Holier than thou Lefties would have caused them to have a total meltdown..
I don't care if they were all blue, message sent and message received!
I did happen to notice that at one point all the dancers wearing red raised their hands "nazi salute-style" and nobody in the media pretended thats what it was.
The Halftime show was Really Good. This old eagle was impressed. The eagles flew today