posted ago by MuckeyDuck ago by MuckeyDuck +104 / -1

The below text is from bottom of this article. It too important to not bring to the fore.

In a strange way, the timing of this research publication release, referring to the Dossier, aligns with my current concerns about DOGE revelations within the USA about the USAID and CIA activity.

In short, I worry the “old system of control” mechanisms are no longer needed. The Western global intelligence apparatus, driven primarily by the USA intelligence community, is moving on from public influence operations that required widespread convincing and propaganda. I fear a “new system of control” will be technologically driven and triggered by newly created technological mechanisms.

This is where Real ID, Facial Recognition, Palantir AI and govt funded technological interfaces could come into play.

The Western IC have moved beyond the phase where they were asking for permission and trying to control public opinion.

They have beta-tested alternative approaches where our permission was no longer part of the system. See covid-19 and all the responses therein.

They are moving into the phase where the outputs happen regardless of our opinion. Fully engaged control.

The old system, represented by the USAID approach toward influence, is no longer needed.

The new technologically driven system of control is no longer dependent on human willingness. Technology controlled by government, with the assist of AI and partnered with private sector, will control the options and the outcomes.

They Western IC (Five Eyes) are installing a technologically driven surveillance state in the Australia, Canada, The U.K, New Zealand and the USA.

Australia, NZ and the EU were the proving ground for health driven control operations, COVID passports – now digital ID’s (EU, UK), emergency control of banking systems (Canada), the interface with politically exposed persons; population lockdowns (NZ, AU), etc.

In the USA our constitution creates some impediments; enter the voluntary introduction of bipartisan AI.

“We will use advanced technology and non-partisan AI programming, to make the government more efficient and ensure this level of corruption and wasteful spending never happens again. Every dollar will be tracked, monitored and oversight will be transparent and available for everyone to see. Just ignore the part where the same efficiency system is monitoring your real ID, connecting your personage to the new govt and private sector interfaces, and click “I agree” on your next federal tax filing. Trust us Comrade citizen, the new technologically advanced DODGE approved govt system cares about responsible stewardship and your privacy. Swear.”

Maybe I’m wrong, but it tracks…

Me: Wow, everything is a psyop. I'm disconnecting from online, turning computer off, and going outside. Not sure Trump is not in on this, or either a naive participant. Jesus Christ is our salvation!!