Last time bimetallic standard was in place we weren't using nearly 80% of the yearly mined silver for industrial purposes. 1:1 ratio of gold:silver is likely with the price well over $10,000 per ounce for both.
Supply of both can be boosted by pulling molecules of precious metals out of sea water and then reassembly into bars. China is rumored to be doing this and may be the source for the Saudi method being used to extract Lithium and Rare Earths from oil well waste water in a similar way.
Last time bimetallic standard was in place we weren't using nearly 80% of the yearly mined silver for industrial purposes. 1:1 ratio of gold:silver is likely with the price well over $10,000 per ounce for both.
Supply of both can be boosted by pulling molecules of precious metals out of sea water and then reassembly into bars. China is rumored to be doing this and may be the source for the Saudi method being used to extract Lithium and Rare Earths from oil well waste water in a similar way.